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Bumble and Bumble shine On (And On) finishing Spray Is Diva Kitty Approved!

“Bitch, don’t hate me because I’m beautiful.”

–Tabs the Cat

If you’ve ever wondered what it’s like to live with a creature so beautiful, so genetically blessed, that the mere sight of his silky fur fills supermodels with envy and makes stylists question their careers, let me tell ya, it ain’t easy.

Don’t get me wrong — I love Tabs’ shiny coat. It’s one of the reasons I fell in love with him. even though he’d been living on the streets when we met, he had fur like a feline Adonis.


Even my mommy is obsessed with it. When she checked out this summer she asked, “Do you people feed him something special? His fur is so shiny! I wish I had hair like that.”

When I told her that he weighed 18 pounds, rather than suggest he get a lot more exercise or go on a diet, she said, “Leave him alone. He takes after the big-boned side of the family!” She lavished so much attention on him that I think his little kitty ego was about to explode.

Since that visit, Tabs has been even a lot more of a diva when it pertains to his fur, and now he refuses to be seen in public with me unless I do something to drastically enhance my hair.


القطط والمكياج من النوع الثقيل ؟؟

42 دولار

تسوق الآن

Just the other day he texted, “Woman, that mop you call hair needs to shine. Make it happen, ASAP! أنا غير قادر على اتخاذ ذلك بعد الآن.”


Since whatever Tabby wants, Tabby gets, I paid an emergency visit to the beauty parlor and asked my stylist, Alis, for a recommendation. As a fellow cat lady, and one living with not one but two demanding kitties, she understood the urgency and handed me a bottle of Bumble and Bumble shine On (And On…) finishing Spray ($25 for a 4.2-oz. bottle).

It’s a new lightweight liquid spray to add shine while taming flyaways and enhancing dimension. In a way, it does for hair what ribbons and bows do for presents.

Mist it directly on your hair or into your palms first, and then run your fingers through from roots to ends to thoroughly distribute the product. I’ve been using two sprays on my thick, medium-length hair.

Oh, Bumble fans, you might recognize the light jasmine scent, which I think smells exactly like Brilliantine, a product I’ve been using and loving for about 10 years.

Alis said that shine On is like a liquid version of Brilliantine. Both of them add shine, smooth flyaways and give hair a piece-ey look (more dimension), but shine On feels lighter on my ‘do. great if you’re trying to find lots of volume.

I’ve been using Brilliantine to keep Lloyd Christmas down (gawd, he’s been so poofy lately!) and now shine On for the rest of my hair.

So far, Tabs approves.

Believe it or not, that’s his approval face.

PRICE: $25 for a 4.25-oz. زجاجة
AVAILABILITY: available now at salons, appeal supply stores, Sephora and also online
MAKEUP and appeal blog RATING: A

I’m going nuts for these bars…

And my tummy just rumbled as I typed this sentence, LOL! Please, please tell me that you’ve had a Kind Bar, because I kind of think you’ll like them a lot. They’re from Trader Joe’s (of course) and come in a bunch of different flavors. I like the Almond & Coconut one best.


So yummy… So satisfying…

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