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ماكياج وكذلك استطلاع المدونة الاستئناف يوم الاثنين، المجلد. 427

Flamingos are fabulous!
قد تتساءل، “إذن ما في الرببة هو سبب استطلاع الاثنين على أي حال!”

حسنا، ليس استطلاعا بالضبط. إنه أكثر بكثير من التطور بانتظام (انقلاب؟)، قائمة عشوائية إلى حد ما من المخاوف التي أخرجتها للزوار كل صباح يوم الاثنين خلال السنوات الثمانية الماضية (!). (إنه مثل kickstart لعقلك.) لقد سعبت دائما في قراءة إجاباتك في التعليقات، وكذلك آمل أن تسري في قراءة الألغام.

Which character would you be from game of Thrones?
Khaleesi, of course. She’s got the very best hair. as well as dragons. as well as she was married to Khal Drogo, who was completely hot. as well as he used eye makeup.

Would you rather be a attractive mermaid or a attractive sasquatch?
Honestly, considering that I already feel like a sasquatch 99% of the time since I keep forgetting to shave my legs (and my toes), I’ll opt for attractive sasquatch.

What’s your least preferred yoga pose?
All of them, since I’m so not flexible. however really when I go to yoga consistently, I truly take pleasure in it. My preferred present is most likely the swan dive, as well as the ones I do not take pleasure in are poses including headstands…because I’m terrified of being upside down.

Describe your eighth-grade self in five words…

غير ملائم





Are you a twin?
In the scientific sense, no, however in the metaphysical sense, I would phone call Tabs my twin. My spirit twin.

When was the last time you used winged liner?
On Saturday, however I didn’t go spheres out with it (I don’t know, can I state spheres out??). Rather, I didn’t go all out with it. I’ve been doing this customized kind of kitten liner that doesn’t take much effort at all, which I love. I just utilize my preferred NARS angled clean (I believe it’s the 47) dipped into some black eyeshadow (MAC Carbon), as well as I just trace the outer half of my lash line, then do a quick flick of the wing. then I type of buff out the top of the line to make it a bit fuzzy, so it’s not incredibly crisp. Then, if I still have time, I discuss it somewhat with a gel liner (MAC Blacktrack). Seriously, it’s so easy.


دورك. مجرد نسخ وكذلك لصق الامتثال للمخاوف في تعليق مع إجاباتك. أنا أتطلع إلى القراءة ’em!

1. Which character would you be from game of Thrones?
2. would you rather be a attractive mermaid or a attractive sasquatch?
3. What’s your least preferred yoga pose?
4. explain your eighth-grade self in five words…
5. Are you a twin?
6. When was the last time you used winged liner?


القطط و البلوز ماكياج؟

42 دولار

تسوق الآن

These shoes were produced walkin’, as well as that’s just what they’ll do! That pair at the top? My good friend Marisol got me them for my birthday, and…THEY have FLAMINGOS. احبهم.

I’ll be breaking them in on lots of walks this week, which are always incredibly practical for me. It seems so basic, right? الذهاب للمشي؟ however if I’m ever stuck on a problem, or if I begin to feel anxious or antsy, I’ll stick Connor in her infant provider as well as choose a quick walk — get some fresh air, state hi to my neighbors, pet a neighbor’s pet dog or a feline — as well as afterward whatever seems much better.


يوم الاثنين سعيد يا صديقي. You must get yourself some new shoes this week as well as choose a walk.

مدمن نداء المجتمع الخاص بك،


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